페이지 선택

Vaporizer for Isoflurane, Key Filled

Use with your choice of VetFlo™ anesthesia stand (sold separately).


  • Tec 3
  • Key filled

Why Use a New Vaporizer?


For your safety, the safety of your animals and the integrity of your study, Kent Scientific offers genuine, new vaporizers manufactured specifically for either isoflurane or sevoflurane. Although remanufactured or reconditioned vaporizers cost less, there have been reports of poor performance related to how the vaporizers are actually “remanufactured.” It is very costly to truly recondition a vaporizer to a specific agent and if not done properly, it could result in unknowingly overdosing your animal.


You may also run into problems with annual calibration if your vaporizer was not reconditioned properly.

Optional Add-Ons


Optional induction chambers and anesthesia masks are available for purchase, or select a convenient, cost-effective Anesthesia Starter Kit that includes all the components necessary for your setup. See all VetFlo™ accessories >

Rodent facemasks and nosecones are
available for all systems in many sizes